Today blue blue mood

Today is my first day working after few days of holiday back to Perlis and Penang. I'm totally no mood to work and talk, just wanna.... i also dono what i want actually.

Really hate the feeling of depress, it really push me down down down.....
no mood to talk..........
no mood to online..........
no mood to do coding..........
no mood to call..........
no mood to eat..........
no mood to drink..........
no mood to smile..........
no mood to blog..........
no mood to upload photo..........
no mood to drive..........
no mood to wake up early in the morning..........
no mood to study..........

Hope that this feeling will pass fasther........................................


  1. I dono actually what happen with you in Penang....but i know after you back u look so down.

    I hope i can help in all the time.
    Don't keep this feeling together with you again, this will keep u down n down...

    I just wan to say that anything happen i will support you and help you. I try to understand you.

    Don't worry be happy k...everything will be fine in time.

    Love you!

  2. Please provide artist credit for the image you have used from my website, "Chopin's Blue Mood" ... I am the artist, Brenda Johima, at


David World